Welcome to Historic Home Recyclers of New Orleans. We are a locally owned and operated recycling company. Our passion is the reuse of historic homes and their parts. We recycle in four ways:

1. Find historic homes and facilitate their purchase.
2. We move historic homes, whole or in parts, to your location.
3. We renovate and install historic items on existing structures.
4. We demolish historic homes to recycle.
5. We sell historic structural lumber.

Let us help you find a historic home to purchase. We will then recycle it to your lot either through a whole house move or a complete house dismantle and rebuild.

Our inventory can be found deep in some of New Orleans’s oldest neighborhoods. A historic home’s value is sometimes less than the market value. In these cases historic homes are demolished. New Orleans has one of the finest collections of French and Spanish architecture in the South. Every remarketed and saved home is a success.
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